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Organisational culture and change

Jul 16th

The key question when looking at the role of organisational culture must be: ‘How do we ensure that the changes we make support the outcomes we have identified as critical to our success?’. This report shows how to take an organisation wide approach to driving and embedding culture change in support of strategic goals.

The system
We look at the organisation as a system in itself, and also as part of a wider system which includes customers, stakeholders and partners. A further system which impacts on the organisation and its ‘local’ system is the sector, the geography and the wider political and socio-economic context.

The organisational culture
We look at organisational culture as the means by which people experience the system they are operating. It is made up of a rich mix of experiences, including the daily interactions between people, behaviour, language, what is valued and rewarded, what is given priority, recurring systems and processes, the look and feel of the operating environment. It could be described as the means by which people become conscious of the system in which they are operating.

Read the full report here

This article is filed under: organisation, organisation design, organisational culture

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